
In this section, you can choose the style of your app. You can personalize the colors, logos, and images to construct an app that uniquely represents your brand. On the right, you can see a preview of how the app will appear.

In this section you can customize the layouts of the main views of your Shoppy app. Watch the tutorial below to see how this can be done on your Shoppy Dashboard:

Catalogue Layout

With this selector you can choose the layout of your app's catalogue view. You can choose between:

  • Image Layout: the collections are shown with their image as the main focal point, each listed under the other.

  • List Layout: collections are shown in a list with only their name. If there are sub-menus, they can be opened below with a drop-down menu.

  • Mixed Layout: the main collections are shown in a list with their name on the left and the collection image on the right. If there are sub-menus, they are displayed on a new page in a list with a slightly different layout, featuring the image on the left and the collection title on the right.

Wishlist Layout

In this section you can choose the layout for the wishlist:

  • Grid Layout: products are displayed in a grid.

  • List Layout: products are displayed in a list.

Filter Layouts

In this section you can choose to show the filters in a modal or full-screen view:

  • Modal Screen View: the filters are shown to the users in a modal view that partially covers the view of the collections.

  • Full-Screen View: the filters are shown to users in a full-screen view.

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