Thanks to the AppsFlyer integration, you can allow your users to open web links directly in your Shoppy App. The AppsFlyer integration also users who have not installed the app will be redirected to the App Store/Google Play Store and then open the link properly in the app.
To set up this integration you will need to have created 2 apps on your AppsFlyer dashboard, one Android and one iOS.
Use the link from your apps that were published when you created them. For both the Android app and the iOS app, you will need to obtain 2 codes that you will need when you activate the integration on Shoppy: the app id and the Development Key.
The Application ID is what you see on the main AppsFlyer page under the application name. To get the Development Key, open the app and navigate to "App Settings" from the side menu under SDK authentication you will find the Development Key. All you have to do is activate the integration from the Shoppy dashboard and enter the data you got in the previous steps (leave the Debug box unchecked). Translated with DeepL
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