
Thanks to the Growave integration you can add features to your app and create a loyalty program for your customers, add reviews to your products, and synchronize user's wishlists.

The integrations are divided by type on Shoppy:

  • Growave Loyalty & Rewards: to manage loyalty programs.

  • Growave Wishlist: to synchronize the Shoppy app's wishlist with Growave's wishlist and your web store.

  • Growave Review: to add the ability to add rercensions to your products.

The API is only available with the Enterprise plan and above, so you must activate one of these plans in order to enable this integration.

Get API Key and API Secret

To connect your Shoppy app to Growave you must have API Key and API Secret. These features can be found by logging into the Growave app from Shopify, clicking on "Settings" (right side bar) and, in the sub-menu that will appear, click on API. On the page that will open you will find your API Key and API Secret.

Insert API Key and API Secret on Shoppy

Now all you have to do is connect Growave to Shoppy. To do this, open Shoppy's "Integratoins" page and enable the Growave integrations you need.

In the popup that appears, paste in the API Key and API Secret that you've just collected.

Last updated